I then tried putting the objects back in my home to see if it would work, but the interactions started being automatically X'd out again. Finally I tried putting the bathtub and the high chair outside and my sims could go through with the interactions. When I opened the game back up I was still having the same issue. Then I restarted and repaired my game via origin, along with taking out all of my CC files. Nothing is blocking the bathtub or high chair items, and i even tried moving them around in build mode/putting them in the middle of the room (the interactions still wouldn't work). Whenever I try to bathe or feed him the interaction automatically gets X'd out from the queue and the parent sim doesn't even attempt (this happens 100% of the time). I recently had a baby age up to toddler (no other babies in the household).
I am having issues interacting with toddlers in my household. Information, Guides and Announcements for the EA app.